The key to survival is … a happy cat?

I know I have been MIA for a bit here yesterday and today, but I have been ridiculously busy. You see, my oldest daughter finally gained access to her inheritance and we have been shopping for essentials for the apartment she will soon be moving into (as soon as we drive down there next week to check it out and make the final decision on if it will be the right fit for her). She has been super excited to purchase things for her place and we had a lot of fun going store to store in search of what will make her home a perfect one. On top of all this, we have been preparing for the (hopefully) arrival of two new members of the family. She and I are each getting a German Shepherd puppy (sisters from the same litter), but like all things, we have to make the trip out to meet these adorable bundles of fluff before a final decision is made. They are 9 weeks old and ready for new homes. So, we have been getting puppy ready on top of scouring all stores for any and all home goods that will be making the move into her new place. I can’t wait to meet the little fur balls. We will be driving to the big O on Thursday evening for that meet up. So, we bought a puppy pen, dog crates, food for both of them and Bison (we wanted them all on the same diet so that we only have to purchase one type of dog food and they can all eat together), collars, harnesses, leashes, blankets, chew toys, treats, etc. Damn that list is endless. We also got forms and prices on puppy classes (I do not want any behavior problems from puppies). While we were at it, we got some new stuff for Bison (I also ordered an ice cooling vest for Bison so I can take him with us when we head to dog parks in the summer, since summer lasts forever here in the sunshine state) and our old man cat. The cat seems pleased with his new scratching post (although he might just be trying to bribe me into giving him more catnip kitty treats which are on the shelf right above his scratching post). Anyway, so concludes an exciting Tongue Action Tuesday (too bad I didn’t get any of that action except for Bison trying to lick my feet which tickles and grosses me out. Hope you all had better luck than I did!!) We will catch up some more after I get done with work tomorrow.


(Listening to Bison going ham on his new ‘Merica ball cause I can’t hear anything above the snorting)