The simple life

Happiness can be a fickle thing, but it doesn’t have to be. I’m slowly learning that the true path to happiness is to find a way to be content with what I have. That doesn’t mean I have stopped my pursuit of more, just that I don’t stake my joy in life on getting those things that I want. Would I like to be a famous author one day, sure. I would be beyond the moon excited if I was to end up a NY Times Best Seller, but that isn’t the end all be all of my life. Would I like to have more money than I know what to do with? Who doesn’t, but the dollar amount in my bank account doesn’t define my worth. God I would love to travel the world, I have so many places I want to see in my lifetime, but if I never leave my little slice of paradise here in sunny Florida, I will be fine. We grow up thinking that we will all have these big things in life, and some of us do, but some of us don’t get to realize those desires, and that’s okay. I have traded in those huge dreams of curing cancer or becoming a rich and famous model (yeah, that didn’t happen), but that’s okay. Now I am happy with my part time job at a pet supply store. I am happy driving my 14 year old truck. I am happy living in my three bedroom house. My house is cute and cozy. My truck is reliable and comfortable. My job is fun and relatively easy and mostly stress free (The stress free part is the part I like the best). It’s nice waking up being happy that I get to go to work in the morning. It’s nice leaving work happy to come home to my little house. My life is almost perfect as far as I’m concerned. There are still things I want and I will still work towards them, but I don’t need designer bags and expensive cars and the latest anything to define my value to the world. I am worth so much more than those things anyway. My attitude, my positive outlook, my kindness, these are the things that show my worth. These are the things that make me worthy of a happy life. Oh, and getting to come on here and share my thoughts with you all, that helps a lot, too. So, thank you all for reading what I write. Thank you all for supporting my dreams. I may never write a best seller, but I still get to write everyday and some people still look forward to reading what I write and that’s good enough for me. Okay, gotta go make that dollah. LOL Enjoy your Sunday Funday!! I know I will. We are having a bulldog party at work today, so I’m sure I will get to see some seriously cute bullies that will make me smile.


(Listening to the whirl of the air conditioner, the sound of bulldog snores and the empty silence of the house before anyone else is awake)