
I feel it there

Deep beneath my skin

Like an itch I just can’t scratch

Like an ache in my chest

I try to ignore it

Try to distract myself with life and love and peace

But that isn’t a cure

It’s a temporary fix

A band aide applied with my eyes closed

Knowing full well that I completely missed the mark

Sometimes it’s worse than others

Some days it’s like drinking moonshine

Slowly burning all the way down

Heating up my insides till I’m smoldering in that fire

Filled with a desire that finds no release

What I’m craving I still don’t know

Is it a need for adventure

A longing to travel to places I haven’t been

Or is it something greater that plagues my soul

Is it the need to be remembered

To leave my mark upon the world

To find the words that will truly set me apart from all the rest

There seems to be no answers

Only this pull for something more

Like a siren calling out to me

Trying to lead me off into her dreams

And damn is she enchanting