In dreams

I ran across an artist last night that I have never heard of before and wanted to share him with all of you. He is a photographer that manages to capture Florida the way it always looks in my dreams. In fact, when I get a chance, I’m going to have to order a few prints from him because the pictures are seriously that amazing. His name on Facebook is JohnBob Carlos. You really need to spend a few minutes perusing his photos on there and maybe follow him if you are as blown away by his art as I am. I find inspiration in so many places and from so many people. I love that moment when I stumble across something that steals my breath and makes me pause for a moment just to ponder and admire and think. Sometimes I even have flashes of words that beg me to find a place for them, and sometimes I struggle to find the place where they belong. I long for those moments, though. Search for them like looking for a long lost friend in a sea of strange faces. And when I finally find the home for those words I get a flash of excitement. It’s like I’m overwhelmed by a sudden sense of euphoria, that “Ah hah” moment I have been craving since crossing path with words that tease of becoming something beautiful … something breathtaking. And that beauty is a drug, and I am the worst addict. I wonder, does JohnBob Carlos feel the same way about his photos? Is he out there chasing that fix just like I am? Does that happen with all creative minds? Maybe we are all just junkies looking for our next fix. Anyway, hats off to you sir!! I feel lucky to have come across your beautiful work and will continue to stalk your Facebook page in hopes of finding the inspiration that’s needed to get my next fix. (I’m not posting any pics to go with this blog in hopes that you will take my advice and go check out his page, so please forgive me … and honestly, nothing I could capture on my phone would ever compare to his genius)


(Listening to The Day I Tried To Live by Soundgarden and Not An Addict by K’s Choice)

One thought on “In dreams

  1. Tiffany DiPerna

    I have been trying to avoid Facebook but now i’m going to have to log on to check this Johnbob out!

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