Go with the flow

Some days just move like the tide, slipping quickly and easily from dawn till dusk. Everything just seems to flow. It’s like we live an effortless existence where we find no struggle, no distractions, no obstacles blocking the motion. Those days are the best. They make us forget the harder days a little. They bring us peace and joy and a lightheartedness that cannot be denied. I had one of those days today. One of those days where the possibilities are endless. One of those moments where it felt as if the sun was shining just for me. There were no pivotal changes, no great revelations, no windfalls found buried by the sands of time. It was just an ordinary day. I took the kids to the beach this morning, nothing new there. I do something like that at least once a week. The weather was a bit dreary, with the overcast skies and the threat of rain on the horizon, but that didn’t dampen the contentedness that I felt. It must have been in the air, because my kids were fun and funny making the morning even easier than I thought. Even when we were chased from the shore by the rain, there were no complaints. Everyone just went with the flow and packed up quickly, and we all climbed in the truck and drove away. Easy peasy. The whole day was like that, full of smiles and laughter and moved like the tide. I couldn’t have asked for a better day. Hope you all were lucky enough to have such an amazing day!


(Listening to Raoul and the Kings of Spain by Tears for Fears)