And so ends another day

I’m sure I have mentioned it before, but just to reiterate, I absolutely love sunsets (I love sunrises, too but we aren’t on the right coast for those, so I’ll stick with sunsets). And I’m sure I have previously mentioned that I love the beach. Well, this evening I decided the kids and I needed some time outside the house, so we went down to my most favorite place to watch the sunset, Hudson beach. It was a great night for it, too. You see, you have to have some clouds in the sky in order to have the breath taking colors show up, otherwise you just get the glowing ball of gas that changes color as it approaches the horizon. Tonight we had a few clouds, but not too many. The water there is always very calm and there are no obtrusive buildings to block the view. It was just glorious. It wasn’t even uncomfortably hot (though that’s on a Florida scale which goes from not bad to all nine circles of hell with the heat on, of course our idea of not uncomfortably hot is still sweltering, when you factor in the humidity, to anyone from anywhere else except maybe Mexico and Texas), which was a plus considering Thursday is the official first day of summer. I even managed to capture a few decent pictures of this amazing nightly occurrence before the tourists swept in and blocked the view. By that point I was ready to go. It was nice to sit there with (most of) my kids and watch mother nature painting the sky for us. I’ll post a few pics below for you guys. Okay, I gotta run. I have laundry to do cause I have to work tomorrow. Hope all is well with all of you and that you are having a wonderful night!!


(Summertime – live by Janis Joplin)