I could never leave you wanting

I have a few things I want to get off my chest tonight, so I’m going to apologize in advance for anything I say that upsets or offends any of you. I almost took a mental health day from here today, because the day didn’t go as smoothly as I wanted it to, but about 5 minutes ago, looking at my previous posts, I felt like I was leaving you guys hanging, so I decided I would let you in on a few of my dirty secrets that I keep tucked away. For starters, I kill house plants (except this one African violet that seems to be happy in my shower window, but I really don’t know how it has survived me). It doesn’t matter if it’s a cactus or an orchid or you name it, if it grows in a pot, it will more than likely die in my care. I have a tomato plant that I picked up about a month ago and it looks like it’s about to take it’s last breath. It’s like I have beyond a black thumb. I should come with a warning when I walk into any store that sells plants in any capacity. It’s that bad, I swear. I love thunderstorms and rain in general, but it has a tendency to depress me if the rain lasts longer than a day. I get a serious case of the blues and have a hard time getting out of my own head (and my head can be a very dark place) when it is gloomy for more than a 24 hour period. I hate the cold. Like absolutely hate it. My favorite place to watch the sunset is right here at good old Hudson beach. The beach is nothing more than a tiny strip of sand and the water doesn’t seem to move at all, but there is something about that still water that causes the sunsets to be spectacular. I’m a beach junkie. I hope to one day live in a tiny cottage or beach bungalow where I can pound away on my laptop, writing my next great novel (I know, I gotta write the first great one before that can ever happen, but since I actually wrote a book that still needs to be edited and hasn’t been published as of yet, this dream will have to wait). I couldn’t live anywhere where I couldn’t get down to some salt water in just a short drive. It just wouldn’t fit my style. My favorite place in the world (out of the limited places I have been so far in my life) would have to be Key West, but I could just as easily find myself happy in The Big Apple, because the rhythm of that city plays a special tune in my heart. I’m a music freak, but rarely can remember the names of my favorite bands or their songs. I love tattoos. I only have two, but the one on my back isn’t finished and I can’t wait until I finally find someone I trust enough to take what is there and make it into what it always should have been. When I am moved by something, whether it be a painting or a piece of music or a landscape I’m looking out across or even a few words I hear uttered or find written somewhere, I can feel it down to my very bones. And when I am inspired, I can’t get to a piece of paper and a pen fast enough to satisfy my muse. I’m always looking for that next piece of inspiration, that next moment where the words crash over me like a tidal wave. Lately I feel like I’m suffering an inspirational drought, but I can hear the thunder on the horizon and I totally feel like I’m finding my groove again, so be on the lookout for something amazing to come in the near future (hopefully I’m not lying, but my muse is a fickle creature and she only comes out when she feels like it, so it could be months into the future when I finally break this damn and let the words flow). Okay, so that seems like enough for one night. Hope you all found this insightful! Thanks for reading my ramblings! 😉


(Listening to: Rest in Pieces by Saliva)