I’ll be sore tomorrow

So, tomorrow I am going to be sore, cause I finally got off my butt and started working out again. I hate working out … like absolutely hate it. I’m not really good at it, either, but I figure my half assed workout has got to be better than no workout at all. I mean,…

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Autumn, you’re such a tease (Sunday’s post)

Got my hike on this morning!! Jen went with me out into the wild woods in Crews Lake park. It definitely wasn’t as nice this morning as it was yesterday, but Florida is like that and although yesterday was a breezy mid 80’s kinda day, today is working it’s way back up into the 90’s…

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All of this and homecoming, too (Saturday’s post)

I can feel it this morning. The cooler, dryer air is calling me out into the wilds, begging me to get out and get lost in the trees somewhere tucked away from all the chaos and daily grind. Too bad I have a million things going on today… and the kids won’t wanna go even…

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Shameless self promotion is soon to follow

Life should come with an instruction manual, I swear. LOL I definitely need one for figuring out how to fulfill my silly dreams. My current desire is to maybe start working as a freelance writer, but who knows if I’ll be able to figure that one out. It seems there is a ton of information…

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Life is so delicious

Life is so delicious I love the taste of sunlight on my skin All warm and sweet with a little bit of a tang And the smell of a crisp winter night When I’m all bundled up in a million layers trying to stay warm And the feel of the first cooler day of fall…

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Dating in the modern age isn’t for the faint of heart

Ah, the joys of dating. It’s always been challenging, searching for that person that gives you butterflies and leaves you breathless and makes you want to believe in fairy tales. We go into it with expectations, with desires as to what the other person will be like, what they will like or think or do…

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Party like you mean it

So here I am on the eve of the great birthday bash that is being held in honor of my oldest child. He will be turning two decades old on the 4th of September. God how quickly time passes. I can’t believe that my child has been on this planet for this length of time…

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This time it will be amazing

Okay, so I have some interesting news for all of you. I finally pulled out my novel and am dusting it off to start working on it again. Honestly, it needs some serious work, but I’m going to strip it down to the bare bones of the story and build it up again from there…

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There is beauty in this world, too

This world can be cruel. People can be cruel. I’m always taken aback by how hard it is to navigate this life when you are dealing with others. We witness so many acts of cruelty, thoughtlessness, selfishness that it can corrupt our own hearts. But good people can be taken advantage of (this happens more…

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