It’s all fun and games until…

These last few days have been a blur, but I’m gonna give you what I can remember of it. Thursday I took a crew of high school kids to a preserve, for cross country practice, where I proceeded to walk an extra 3 miles (on top of the 5 I had walked in the morning). We came home to witness police action down at the end of the street. There were too many police cars to count and a helicopter circling, I’m sure looking for whomever it was that didn’t want to be found. Friday night Damon and I went out to a bar for a friend’s birthday party. I went a little overboard and had way too much to drink, so yesterday I spent trying to recover. Promises were made (I will never drink like this again …) in exchange for relief that would not come quick enough (I swear, just make this go away). It was awful. Meanwhile, while I was struggling with the after effects of too much fun, Damon was researching the new Playstation VR. By the time I was able to walk around and had gotten myself in an almost acceptable appearance, he was ready to head out on our scavenger hunt for all the bits and pieces (and games). We had fun on our multiple stops at different Game Stops (three to be exact). We came home and he quickly assembled the new way to game. It was a fun filled afternoon of disappearing into alternate realities (the horror games are seriously scary and fun, like going to a haunted house without having to leave home). By 5:30, it was time to help Alex get ready for Home Coming (he had a date and everything). We had to meet the girl and her parents at 6:30 to do pictures, then drop the pair off at the school for the dance. It has been a great and terrible few days (being hungover sucks). Sunday is here now and I have taken care of the groceries for the week and am now going to start on dinner. I am making homemade chicken soup, so there are tons of veggies to chop. Even now, there are kids in the living room. The VR is amazing!


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