That’s a dirty word in this house

So, Paige and I decide that today would be a great day to do some serious cleaning this morning (I’m still finding alternatives to working on my second book). My living room has been pulled apart, all shoes discarded under the furniture have been located, the couch and chair have been thoroughly vacuumed out, all clutter has been redistributed into either it’s rightful place, or the trash, dust has been eradicated, etcetera. I am not a fan of this sort of cleaning, but nevertheless it must be done from time to time. I went through the mountain of papers I have been cramming into my cabinet that is next to my desk. I have it there for my fancy printer to sit on (a gift from my love when I first started writing all the time, so I wouldn’t have to go buy ink every week, cause I print everyday when I’m actively writing). It’s funny that I kept all that crap because 90% of it went straight into the trash. I guess I’m a collector of garbage mail and fliers that come home from school with the kids. I straightened my books out and put my old copy of “The Hobbit” back with all my older books (I thought I was going to read it, but then got side tracked). I wish I could say I found something interesting during my clean up, or at least something I was looking for, but no such luck this time. I plan on tackling the kitchen after I walk today (I was waiting for my partner in crime, since she is only working a half day today and we can actually walk together), so I’m sure I will discover something in there, but I’m also positive that it will be nothing I would want to share because it will most likely be something gross in the fridge.


(Bison is exhausted from all the cleaning going on. We keep disturbing his nap.)
