Dressing up is so much fun

Oh the joys of high school home coming week. Today is “dress a mess” day, so my son left the house looking like a total lunatic. He looks so ridiculous, and I had the hardest time letting him leave the house looking like that. I’m pretty excited for him and I’m impressed with how much school spirit he has, seeing as he is a Freshman. Most Freshman are too self conscious to participate in such events, but not my son. His self confidence is so strong that I have to remind myself that he is only 14 years old. Some people might call him cocky, but he isn’t. He isn’t really boastful, and he backs anyone and everyone else around him. So, when he left the house this morning wearing two different shoes and some crazy combination of clothing I was extremely proud of him. My son has already figured out more about life than most people ever know. He doesn’t care about how he looks and he has the ability to look past how others look also. It’s the content of their character that is important. Today my son’s character is having an identity crisis, all in the name of school spirit.

