Hurricanes and Clowns and Early Race Days (What a weekend)

Ugh that stupid hurricane. It made things interesting around here, even though it came no where near here. We didn’t have any damage, but I do need to go out and collect the small tree branches that now litter my yard. The kids missed another day of school. I cannot tell you how glad I am that I live on the gulf coast of the state. It’s too bad hurricane Matthew didn’t drag all these idiots in clown gear off with him. Yes, we have that stupid clown issue down here. Yes, I think anyone that either dresses up like a clown to creep people out (and doesn’t work at one of the local theme parks/haunted houses) is a freaking idiot and deserves whatever happens because of their stupid decisions to act like idiots. It’s not wise to act in such a way in this county. People here love their firearms and fully believe in their right to defend themselves. I’m irritated that the sheriff is stuck rounding up those who post stupid clown threats against the schools in our county. So far, a 12 year was arrested and charged as an adult for posting threats to the lives of the students at a middle school. He said it was a joke. I’m sure his parents really thought that was funny. I know I’m highly amused by all their antics. On a happier note, I had a great morning yesterday, despite having to leave the house at 5:30. Alex did so well running, and we even discussed doing the Zombie run next month, just for fun. Tomorrow, we have the doughnut relay, which I promise I will try my best to remember to take pictures at. After the meet, I got to go for a spin in the slingshot, which I might try to make an after race ritual from now on. It really makes me happy. On today’s agenda is way too much to list, so I’m off to try to get some stuff done and hopefully set myself up for a great week. Happy Sunday everyone!

