Have dog, will travel

I had to go pick up Easton in the Big O yesterday, after his long weekend getaway. I’m quickly beginning to hate that drive with all the traffic on I-4 and the many hours confined to the truck. Paige and Leo both accompanied me these last two trips, but yesterday I figured I would bring another road companion. Bison loves being in the truck. He loves going new places and getting to smell all the new smells. I have never taken him on such a long trip, though, and wasn’t sure how he would handle being cooped up for such a long time. For about the first 20 minutes, he barked at passing cars (he always wants to protect his mommy), but then got used to all the traffic and was so wonderful! Bulldogs are not the smartest dogs on the planet, and my Bison is no exception. We grabbed Wendy’s on the way home (all three of my furless children informed me that they were absolutely starving and would wither away if we did not get food), and there were more than enough french fries for everyone, including Bison. We don’t normally eat fast food, so we don’t normally share it with Bison, but yesterday was a special treat for all of them. I told Paige to only give him a fry when he started getting upset (I was worried that e would start getting bored with the confines of the truck and tell us about it all the way home). It took Bison about an hour and a half to figure out that if he barked, he would get a french fry. He would bark once, then look expectantly at Paige. She would give him a fry, which he would eat. Then he would pause a moment (just long enough for Paige to put the fry box down and get comfy in her seat again), then repeat. It was such a comical scenario until the fries ran out, then the real tears fell from Bison’s big brown doggie eyes. I had Paige let him sniff the empty box in hopes that he would understand that there were no more. It really was sad seeing his simple mind working this out. Bulldogs are wonderful animals and my life would definitely be lacking something without him.

