Nothing better than ice cream and zombies

I have to tell you all, I have thoroughly enjoyed my Sunday so far. I accomplished tons and still managed to find time to relax. When I got up this morning I thought for sure that this would be a typical Sunday, where I make these lofty goals that I neglect to accomplish, then watch the sun go down feeling like a failure, knowing full well that I would pay for my colossal laziness for the whole brand new week laid out at my feet. Today was not a waste of a day. Instead, I managed to get all the fresh produce I needed for this week, then came home and chopped every last bit of it so that I will have very little food prep for dinner each night. I also made some headway into the mountain of laundry, which makes me extremely happy. Hopefully it all gets put away, and not left all over the floor only to make a return trip into the dirty pile in a few days. I really need to make a trip upstairs to check on the clean laundry situation. I also managed to convince Alex to wipe out Ubuntu on my laptop and install Windows 10, so that I can use my new word program to get my book formatted properly. It took forever and I am still figuring things out on here. I have not run Windows on my laptop in so many years, I don’t remember the last version I touched. The absolute best part of the day was a little while ago when I got to sit on my butt with a sundae watching Damon kill zombies. Black Ops III is great entertainment for a Sunday afternoon. Okay, I hear my dryer calling my name.
