I want to put on my my my my my boogie shoes

So, I recently bought myself some new sneaks, since mine were wearing out badly. I decided to go with some Nike Flynits, because I was told by a friend that she can wash hers and they always come out perfect, which is good because I hate stinky sneakers, but I also hate washing them because they never seem to fit right after a trip through the washer and dryer. So, I went to our local athletic shoe store determined to find myself a pair. I had 4 different ones to choose from, but since Paige was with me she talked me into getting the straight black ones, since they would go with anything. I bought them on Wednesday and now that we are on Saturday and I have been wearing them since I bought them here’s what I think. They are seriously comfortable. I usually don’t like being in shoes of any kind while I am in the house, and just put on a pair of slides to wander around in, but I have not done that at all. I am completely fine sitting around with these on my feet. I wore them to Alex’s meet this morning and even with both on and off road walking I did not have any issues. They give the sensation of walking around in socks, only with a supportive sole. I like that I can see the socks I am wearing through them, too. They are too neat and I am completely happy with my purchase. I’m so happy in fact, that I believe I will be purchasing some for both Alex and Paige next year for cross country. Speaking of the meet this morning, I am happy to report that Alex shaved 4 minutes 43 seconds off his previous best time. He crossed the finish at 22:06. What an awesome race! Anyway, here’s a pic of my sneaks and one of Alex. Oh, and the sunrise this morning, which was breath taking.

