You can find me on my couch

Happy Labor day! I was sitting here earlier wondering exactly how we ended up celebrating such a day. I mean, all I know about this holiday is that it was the result of massive strikes in the workforce, but how did that lead us to a national holiday? And here’s another thought, since the majority…

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What a fun filled Saturday morning here in the Smith-Burke house. I swear Florida is having an identity crisis. It seems to be confused about what our weather is supposed to be. We call it “Sunny Florida” and “The Sunshine State” because we are sunny at least for part (most) of everyday. These last 4…

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Happiness can definitely come in a box!

I order stuff online all the time and it always makes me smile when one of the many packages show up on my door, even in this terrible weather. Yesterday it was my outfit from Fabletics and a wallet my daughter bought for her brother for his birthday. Today it was dog food for my…

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My dear Hermine, you cannot get me down today

Ohmigod my daughter has an interview at one of the local nursing homes tomorrow and I am so excited! What a wonderful thing to happen on a miserably rainy day like today (actually, even with the overcast skies this morning, the weather was really nice. I got my walk in before the rain and the…

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