Sunday Funday (not in my house)

With a “To Do” list a mile long and a house still full of sleeping people, I sit here trying to get a handle on what I want to get done today, what I need to get done today, and what I know is going to get shuffled off to the side and swept under…

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Who’s here for the coffee?

It’s 7:50 on a Saturday morning. I am up and awake, but I have nothing pressing to accomplish today. Nothing that I need to attend or get done or even leave the house for. I have absolutely nothing to do today, which makes me incredibly happy. So why am I up at 7:50 in the…

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This morning I have the Frontier installation tech coming to the house to upgrade our internet because we are in desperate need of higher up/down speeds and a better router and router location. We need all of these things because we are all constantly fighting with each other for our share of the pie, but…

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Just not feelin’ it

Laziness seems to be contagious. So, here I am stuck sitting on my butt for a few days in relation to me knees that refuse to behave like knees should. It started out with a four to five day rest (per my doctor’s orders), but has morphed into a week plus length of sitting around…

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And we’ll all float on okay

In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the experts say that you should drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. In theory this shouldn’t be too difficult, right? I keep two water coolers in the house with spring water delivered weekly. I spent the ungodly amount of money to procure a…

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I’ll sleep when I’m dead

Insomnia and I go way back. Over the years we have been on again, off again friends. When we get together we like to spend long evenings full of frustration, movies, reading and sometimes desperately arguing over the content of any and all I have done or ever plan on doing in the future. I…

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Today is just ugh

Today feels like a disposable day to me. Like I can’t get anything accomplished and I might as well just throw today away and start again tomorrow (which at this point I might just do). I forgot to start the dinner I had planned for tonight, so I had to come up with a quick…

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I put myself in the damn corner

I know I haven’t posted anything new in the last couple of days, but that’s because I have been pouting. I didn’t have anything fun or exciting to talk about on Friday (I was feeling pretty down in the dumps about not being able to do any walking and I was having a hard time…

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But I don’t like getting dressed up!!!

I love Halloween, and fall in general, so to say that I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of the cooler weather, the ultra blue sky and the amazing sunsets of October is an understatement. I was excited for the arrival of pumpkin spice everything, although I am avoiding it for the most part because 99.9999%…

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Sometimes all it takes is

It’s the little things that make me happy, I tell you. Sometimes they are the best things and the best part of my day. Take today for example, I had an appointment for an internet upgrade to be installed in my house this morning, but the tech didn’t show and I had to be rescheduled…

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