Nothing like a little retail therapy to get me through the day

Such a busy day, and tomorrow is shaping up to be even more busy. I am sorry this is coming so late, but I finally have time to sit down and plink away at my keyboard. It was such a long day. I went grocery shopping for my exceptionally large family, bought a new pair of Nike’s for myself, stopped in at GNC for some supplements (where an old hippie talked me into buying more than I had originally intended), picked up one kid from cross country practice, dropped a kid off at work, went back to the school for the neighbor who was forgotten at school after soccer practice (long story, but the gist of it is that my son forgot that his friend needed a ride home and cross country ended about 30 minutes before soccer did, so we were long gone when the call came in), and in the end I swung by to see my father at work. I got a couple hours out of the car to make dinner, then had to go retrieve my son from his work at the pizza shop. Whew! That was exhausting! So on a whole it was an interesting day. I spent a whole lot of money and had a ton of food to put away, but my pantry, freezers and refrigerators are all stocked with lots of yummy stuff. Hopefully it all lasts longer than a week. Food has a way of magically disappearing in this house. I swear I am constantly out of things that I buy and never even get a chance to taste the food myself. Oh well. Now about tomorrow. I have to get up and head out the door before 7:00am, to take my son to Orlando. He is going with a group to Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights where he will probably be scared to death. I wish I could be there to witness it, but alas, I will be hours away waiting to hear how bad it was via text messages (his preferred method of communication. Sigh. Kids these days). I’m not a big fan of driving all the way there and back, but I guess it’s better than trusting a kid driver with the safety of my first born. Maybe I will entertain you with some exciting and funny tale of my travels tomorrow … or maybe I’ll be jailed for road rage. You never know with me.

