Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

So, raise your hand if you watched last night’s political debate (I absolutely refused and instead I played Fallout 4 while Damon was busy distracting me with funny non political videos he found on youtube). I am currently so disgusted with the two major party candidates that I can barely stand to look at social media, or watch the morning news. I am tired of the both of them. They are some of the most disgusting human beings this country has ever had cast in the spotlight. In fact, they have taken things to such a staggering line of idiocracy that I wouldn’t watch them if they were on a sitcom. Donald Trump just doesn’t seem to have a filter in any capacity. What comes flying out of his mouth has gone from somewhat humorous to down right stupid. He should have been in one of those vulgar comedies like “There’s Something About Mary”. I am floored and shocked and part of me has a morbid curiosity when it comes to what he is going to spew next, but then the garbage starts flowing out and I can’t take it any more. I am honestly starting to believe that he isn’t taking this seriously at all. His counterpart hits all my hot buttons herself. She has proven herself to be a liar and a profiteer in a philanthropist’s clothing. I don’t really want to go into the reasons why I do not trust her or agree with the direction she wants to lead this country because I don’t want to offend any of my friends and family that truly believe in her platform. I will say that I am glad to see that Bernie Sanders is not running anymore, because we are not a socialist country. We were built on the foundation of freedom. Thousands of immigrants (both legally and illegally) flock here to escape life in socialist countries. I know people believe that we can do it better than the rest and we will not fall prey to the lure of wealth and greed, but honestly we are only human and greed is a human emotion. As it is we do not trust our government, and now you want to put wealth distribution in their hands? How many of these politicians are poor, or even middle class? They do not know, nor could they ever understand our real issues. The issues here in the spaces that fill up the country with workers and voters and neighborhoods and cities. Politicians are so far removed from reality here in the trenches that I don’t think they would know how to cope here in the real world. Each and every one of them make me sick.

Okay, so I’m going to stop my ranting now and I will not broach this subject again. I will however give you my conclusion. A dear friend of mine, Susan, posted a funny image yesterday that has made me see the light and because of her insightful post I have decided to cast my vote along with her. Yes Pedro, you have my vote.

