In the fires of hell

Early fall in Florida. It’s almost exactly like summer here, only we decorate our homes with what northerners can look out their windows and see in real life. We artfully hang images of autumn leaves on any and all surfaces, use pumpkins and gourds as centerpieces on our tables and burn many a pumpkin or apple scented candle in the pursuit of the fabled season that we rarely get a chance to experience ourselves. We might get a fleeting, glancing blow of fall somewhere between Halloween and Thanks Giving (just long enough to give us hope for an a/c free Thanks Giving day feast). The heat here is especially bad this year. I believe I saw a graphic on the news last week that said we have long passed our average number of days with temperatures above 90 degrees, which put me in fear that this summer may not want to end. So, here we are on the fifth day of fall, and we are no where near summer’s end. I think the weather man was boasting this morning that later in the week we will get into some drier air, which I guess is a step in the right direction, however if the temperature still climbs into the 90’s, then I don’t believe the drier air will make a noticeable impact. Oh well, I’m sure eventually we will get something closer to fall. Probably not until sometime in December. Okay, I’m off to spew some fall like décor on my walls and in my windows in my attempt to bring about the spirit of the season, and hopefully find a way to drone out the sound of my air conditioner whining in the background.

