On the run before the sun

Migraines. They turn me into a completely useless human being. I seem to lose the ability to complete even the simplest of tasks. I developed one on Thursday that just decided to stick around for two days and make my life miserable. That’s why there was no post for yesterday, however I plan on fully making up for it today. I have a lot to say, since I could handle nothing but dead air yesterday. So, this morning I was at my son’s cross country meet (which I have decided is actually really fun and exciting to spectate). We had to get up very early, even though the meet was relatively local, because Alex was told that parking was limited. We left the house at 6:00, stopped by Dunkin to get my coffee and headed to the park. It was a beautiful morning (except for the massive swarm of zika carrying mosquitoes that would not be dissuaded no matter what methods of protection were implemented) and stayed cool-ish until the sun was well above the tree line. My daughter came with us this time and because I had company and I knew what to expect this time, I was more able to enjoy the race. Watching my son run is thrilling. Seeing him pass at the 2.5 mile mark and shouting encouragements with the rest of the parents is something to experience. What’s better yet is watching as they approach the finish line as they sprint those last 50 yards or so, pushing themselves to the max in order to beat those runners around them … that had my heart in my throat as I jumped up and down, calling his name, trying to be louder than the other parents around me in order to reach my son and give him the extra energy he needs to cross the finish line before the others. What a rush! Kids are amazing and being a parent can be so rewarding at times. This morning was one of those times. I can honestly say that I will get up before the sun every week, if that’s what I have to do to witness that kind of awesomeness in motion again. Sorry, I did not take a picture. I was too caught up in the moments and forgot to snap one. Trust me on this, though, he was streaming sweat and had sand and dirt all over him. The smell on the way home I could do without, but I guess that’s the price you pay to be a part of something that awe inspiring.

(Not my picture, but a cool perspective)
