It’s on my list … for tomorrow.

I am a great procrastinator. Like one of the best to ever live. I don’t procrastinate all the time and there are definitely things (and times) that I am dead serious about getting done right away, but then there are other things that I can’t seem to force myself to do no matter how much I tell myself that I need to do it. Take for example, I have been telling myself that I need to clean out my coffee cup cabinet since the first day of spring (it made my spring cleaning “to do” list), but I still haven’t done it. I know why I don’t get it done. I only have about 50 coffee cups in there and I don’t like having to get rid of any of them. I actually have a few drinking glasses and some water bottles and some pint glasses up there, too (we don’t really use too many drinking glasses, just mostly coffee cups), and it’s ridiculously crowded, with cups stacked, just waiting for someone to open the cabinet door to topple out onto the floor and break. It’s an “enter at your own risk” cabinet which I probably should have guests sign a waiver for when they enter my home. Yeah, kinda dangerous, and I know I need to get it straightened out, but here I am dragging my feet. I just don’t want to have to sort through my coffee cups and pass judgment on them. I mean, who wants to be the one to decide that this one is worthy of space in my cabinet, while that one doesn’t have enough sentimental value. I feel massive guilt, since a majority have been gifted to me, some of which I love because they are physically attractive, while others I love simply because the gift bearer thought I would love it. So, how do I choose? Well, I guess I don’t have to today. My good friend procrastination can keep me from having to make those painful decisions for a while longer.

