My future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades

I am obsessed with a few accessories, when it comes to my personal style. I’m not a makeup girl. I don’t dedicate a lot of time to styling my hair (although I am pretty OCD about keeping my hair healthy). I’m not too overly concerned with my clothes (I like to look cute on occasion, but most days I’m running around the house in either my pjs, cause I’m lazy, or my workout clothes, cause they are comfortable and I workout throughout the day), but I love shoes (no matter what kind), purses (and matching, cute wallets), and I am desperately passionate about sunglasses. I swear I have about 30 pairs right now. I don’t buy expensive ones, cause I want options to go with whatever I am wearing. And I wear them everyday without fail. Even if it is cloudy out, I have them on. Sometimes I forget that they are on my head and don’t take them off until bedtime. They are practically my signature look. In fact, I have thought about trademarking the ponytail/dark sunglasses look (how very Kardashian of me). You see, my eyes are seriously light sensitive and I can’t even leave the house without them. On really bright days (when I don’t have the house in cave lighting), I can even be found wearing them in the house. So, there you have it … my addiction. They say admitting that you have a problem is the first step. I’m not ready to deal with my problem right now, but at least I shared it with all of you. Whew. That was tough.

(A small sampling of my very favorites at the moment)
