Tuesday morning madness

Sometimes it’s the chaos that brings the best experiences. I have had a lovely morning so far, despite an appointment to get the kids’ blood drawn. None of them could eat because they had to be fasting and they were all a little nervous, since a majority of them have not had much experience with having medical tests done and we don’t believe in medical intervention unless it is absolutely necessary. I had braced myself for this morning to be extremely stressful, with arguments between the ranks and a fog of general grumpiness that would spread like a cold sweeps through the house. When we left the house later than I would have liked due to a certain teenage boy oversleeping and dragging butt when asked to get ready, I was pretty sure that this morning was going to continue on it’s path to awful. Much to my surprise, things did an about face once we got to the doctor’s office (our doctor is awesome and draws all labs in office, and schedules any referrals for imaging or any tests or procedures that they cannot do in office for the patient). The two kids that I was sure would have a hard time with the blood draw managed it without a single tear or grump, and as a whole, my crew was their charming and funny selves. They entertained the staff and had them all laughing by the time we left. Then my oldest son (the working man) bought Dunkin’ Donuts for the whole family. It was a fantastic morning that has given me hope that the rest of the day might just follow suite, even with the gray and gloomy skies, the humidity so high that even in the house, in the air conditioning you still feel sticky, today is going to be a fun day. So, with a heart as light as a feather I bid all of you a wonderful morning!!

