Afternoon Delight

I did not make much headway in my “To Do” list yesterday, so I’m bracing myself for a rough week. I did do something that I love yesterday afternoon that made my whole day. My love and I, we love our toys and my favorite has to be the slingshot that we got earlier this year. I love either seat and get a thrill whether I’m the driver or the passenger. We went out just before sunset and were cruising East. The temperature wasn’t oven hot, so it ended up being a beautiful time to be on the road in a vehicle without windows, doors or a roof. The sky was such a dazzling blue and each cloud morphed into such a range of brilliance that it was just breath taking. I love living here. If all there was was the sunsets, it would still be worth it to live here. In fact, I don’t think I could live anywhere else. I would miss the sky in the evening. Actually, I would miss the sky in the morning, too. This place is amazing. So, as we were tooling down the road, I spotted the sun in the side view mirror and thought I would share it with you all. This is why we live here.

