You can find me on my couch

Happy Labor day! I was sitting here earlier wondering exactly how we ended up celebrating such a day. I mean, all I know about this holiday is that it was the result of massive strikes in the workforce, but how did that lead us to a national holiday? And here’s another thought, since the majority of Americans now work in the service industry, how many of the public actually are off today? Obviously, most government employees have today off and the banks are definitely closed, but restaurants and retail stores are open. Sure, the majority of offices are closed, however hospitals and nursing homes still need to be manned with a full staff. All the emergency responders are still on duty. I even know a certain computer programmer that was stuck putting some time in this morning. With all the sales I have seen advertised it seems like even the tire shops are open today. Well, I want to say thank you! Thank you for protecting us and rescuing us, thank you for nursing us, thank you for being available for us to purchase whatever our little hearts desire or feeding us whatever we crave on this grand celebratory day. We couldn’t throw a great party without all of you!

Oh, and cause I didn’t really know what kind of picture to post, and since he is super cute and I stumbled upon him yesterday on my walk, here is a picture of the baby gofer tortoise I ran across yesterday! I thought he was too cute for words!

