And just like that, things have changed again

Time passes us so quickly. I swear I must have missed it when you went from 2 years old throwing tantrums when you were angry and crying for me when you fell and bumped your knee, to the 18 year old young man who stands before me this morning. Your smile is the same and your eyes are still the most amazing chocolate brown, but you no longer need me the way you used to, and that’s okay. Yes, I am going to be sad and miss the little boy who used to not be able to sleep without your pup-pup (stuffed elephant). I’m going to miss the boy so proud of himself for being able to read before anyone else in your kindergarten class. I’m going to miss you coming home from school and telling me about every moment, but those things started to fade some years ago. Instead of crying for me when you fall now, you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again (at least I hope that’s what you do). Now you stay up all night, and then sneak naps during the day when you think I don’t know (but I do). You go to work and come home and tell me some of what happened there. You are working toward your dreams. Yes, I am going to miss my little boy, my first baby, with all my heart … but I am looking forward to getting to know the man I helped shape. I am proud of you my son, for all that you do today and all that you will do tomorrow, and for all those little things you did yesterday when you were still my little boy. I love you honey! Have the happiest birthday and enjoy your first day of being a legal adult, but never forget that I am your mother and I will be here for you whenever you need me.


One thought on “And just like that, things have changed again

  1. Leslie

    This made me cry

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