
What a fun filled Saturday morning here in the Smith-Burke house. I swear Florida is having an identity crisis. It seems to be confused about what our weather is supposed to be. We call it “Sunny Florida” and “The Sunshine State” because we are sunny at least for part (most) of everyday. These last 4 days have been nothing but gray skies and the constant steady rain with occasional bouts of torrential downpours and gusty wind. Maybe mother nature is suffering from major depression here right now and needs someone to prescribe her some happy pills. Maybe the gods have had enough of our basking in the sun, not taking these storms seriously until they get up to a cat3 (yeah, we just sit back and laugh at anything less than that). So, this is our punishment. Instead of being blown away by horrific winds or washed away by an angry gulf, we will slowly slip into the swamp as the gods reclaim what once was. There has been so much rain that I don’t think there is anywhere for it to go anymore. So much water that there are people kayaking down their streets instead of driving (thankfully not here. Our neighborhood has very effective drainage, although I worry that the pond at the end of the street will finally fill to the point of no more and start moving up the street). I will tell you that I miss the sun desperately. I miss our amazing sunsets. I miss watching the sun come up as I walk Bison around the block. Oh, and poor Bison. He really doesn’t like the rain. He hates walking in wet grass and hates getting his feet wet and hates getting rained on. It makes potty time extra stressful, for both him and me. He ends up running in circles, looking for a dry spot to go, so we spend quite a bit of time out there, getting soaked. And lets not forget about the mosquito issues. Zika is going to spread like wildfire with all this prime mosquito breeding weather. Yay.

Our pond at the end of the block                     Check out all the trash that has washed up


 Bison was not happy, but I dragged him out anyway