Confessions of a shopaholic

Made the trip without killing anyone or going to jail! I am so proud of that accomplishment. To drive all the way to Orlando and back without even one incident is a miracle, especially since there were plenty of bad drivers out there today working extremely hard at driving slowly in front of me. What…

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Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

So, raise your hand if you watched last night’s political debate (I absolutely refused and instead I played Fallout 4 while Damon was busy distracting me with funny non political videos he found on youtube). I am currently so disgusted with the two major party candidates that I can barely stand to look at social…

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In the fires of hell

Early fall in Florida. It’s almost exactly like summer here, only we decorate our homes with what northerners can look out their windows and see in real life. We artfully hang images of autumn leaves on any and all surfaces, use pumpkins and gourds as centerpieces on our tables and burn many a pumpkin or…

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Something’s gotta give

I had the unfortunate luck of needing to go to Walmart yesterday. The one right by my house isn’t as bad as some, but I am nevertheless guaranteed to leave with “why do I live here again” sitting in the front of my mind. The people that shop there are interesting, to say the least…

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On the run before the sun

Migraines. They turn me into a completely useless human being. I seem to lose the ability to complete even the simplest of tasks. I developed one on Thursday that just decided to stick around for two days and make my life miserable. That’s why there was no post for yesterday, however I plan on fully…

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It’s on my list … for tomorrow.

I am a great procrastinator. Like one of the best to ever live. I don’t procrastinate all the time and there are definitely things (and times) that I am dead serious about getting done right away, but then there are other things that I can’t seem to force myself to do no matter how much…

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My future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades

I am obsessed with a few accessories, when it comes to my personal style. I’m not a makeup girl. I don’t dedicate a lot of time to styling my hair (although I am pretty OCD about keeping my hair healthy). I’m not too overly concerned with my clothes (I like to look cute on occasion,…

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Tuesday morning madness

Sometimes it’s the chaos that brings the best experiences. I have had a lovely morning so far, despite an appointment to get the kids’ blood drawn. None of them could eat because they had to be fasting and they were all a little nervous, since a majority of them have not had much experience with…

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Afternoon Delight

I did not make much headway in my “To Do” list yesterday, so I’m bracing myself for a rough week. I did do something that I love yesterday afternoon that made my whole day. My love and I, we love our toys and my favorite has to be the slingshot that we got earlier this…

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