Anyone up for enslaving the galaxy with me?

Some days I just seem to get so much accomplished and today is one of those days! I feel like I have conquered the world, and it’s still only 2:03 in the afternoon. Still plenty of time to enslave the rest of the universe and even make dinner at a decent time. I feel like…

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Is it time yet?

So, tomorrow is the first official day of the yearly back to school chaos that plagues my existence. Part of me is extremely excited that summer is rapidly coming to an end, but at the same time I am not looking forward to the stress and anxiety of making sure that everyone has not only…

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Blue Saturday

What to do on a rainy Saturday? I am caught up on the infinite amount of laundry (it’s a bloody miracle) that seems to breed in the multiple hampers we have around the house, so that’s a check off my list of things to do. The rain has put a damper on any outdoors activities…

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