Saturday Morning Trauma

Bulldogs are like boulders that have been shot out of a rocket and are careening out of control, bouncing off of anything and everything that could possibly be fragile within their reach, especially when they get excited. I can attest to this from first hand experience. Bison likes to attempt to take me out at…

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It’s Friday I’m in Love (I just love The Cure)

I absolutely love Fridays! I always wake up Friday morning with the most delicious sense of adventure and excitement. I know Friday morning is not quite th weekend yet, but it whispers the promise of fun in the near future. Now, my weekend excitement usually is mostly in my head. I still get up at…

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Trying to get all my ducks in a row

Ever have one of those days when it seems you cannot accomplish a thing? Yup, that’s my day in a nutshell. Now normally this would make me crazy, however for some strange reason it isn’t bothering me in the least bit today. This is not to say that some of the obstacles I have come…

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I swear I am not an idiot

Funny thing has been happening around here. I guess I am the butt of a massive computer geek joke that I was completely unaware of. I have been using the comic sans font for quite a while now, just because I thought it looked pretty. I enjoy seeing my writing in what could be handwritten…

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Show me those pearly whites!

Okay, I’m going to have to complain about something this morning. The mosquitoes here in Florida seem to be immune to whatever the county is spraying in their efforts to control them. I swear not 8 hours ago I could hear the mosquito truck driving through the neighborhood, spewing it’s toxic fumes into the air,…

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And in the morning … I’m makin WAFFLES

So, it is the first day of school here and every one got out the door on time … however, I am feeling the bad mom vibes because I forgot to get first day of school pictures. Yup, I feel awful because all my friends and family expect to be perusing those wonderful photos of…

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15 & 1/4 hours and counting

So this is it! The last free day of summer for my kiddos. You would think the world was coming to an end for them. They seriously crack me up. Last night my middle son told me that he absolutely had to go spend the night with his best friend across the street so they…

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Some people might call me crazy, but …

I am having a strange day today. So, I have a few weird personality traits that I usually avoid sharing with anyone, some of which I believe give me the ability to write stories and such. One of these quirks is my capacity to argue with imaginary people and inanimate objects. It seems right now…

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You make me feel like dancing

Ugh, I am feeling uninspired. It seems like my creativity and imagination both decided they aren’t talking to me today. Usually, I feel the lure of a blank word processor page, like it’s an open invitation to paint something beautiful with words. Today I look at it and all I see is the flashing cursor,…

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Sweatin’ to the 90’s

I woke up this morning to no rain, no clouds, no misery disguised as a soaking wet Florida August day, so I decided to go for a walk once the sun came up. The sky was the most amazing shade of blue that kinda reminds me of our October sky (which might just be my…

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