Who’s up for a drink

Healthy foods. For the most part I am happy with the healthy alternatives I have come up with in order to keep myself on track where it comes to my diet. I have cut out the mass majority of processed foods from my life (which sometimes makes me sad), not to mention calories and fats and anything else that could be considered bad for your health. I eat a low carb (only unprocessed carbs that are high on the glycemic index list), low fat, zero processed sugar, high fiber, lean protein diet. What that really means is that I cook everything I eat (I even make my own breads, this way I know what is in them. Now, this doesn’t mean that I do not cheat every now and then, and I do have a hard cider or a glass of wine (or more than one) on the weekends (Thursday thru Sunday cause I like to use Thursday as a warm up). I really do try to keep the chemicals out of my food, though. Well, with all the walking I do (plus stationary bike and stairs and the couple of other workouts I try to fit into my day) I was getting dehydrated and started to worry about electrolyte imbalance, but I didn’t want to drink the gatorade because I know it is full of processed ingredients. I went online and found a healthy, clean recipe for an electrolyte replacer and have made it. All I can say is yuck. It is just awful. My kids all tried it and almost spit it out (and they eat/drink anything). It’s that bad. I am going to continue to drink it when I get back from my walk because I have to admit that I do feel better after I drink it, but it by far the worst tasting healthy alternative I have ever tried. Oh, and I am not worried about keeping it in the fridge (things have a tendency to disappear when left unattended in our fridge) because no one in the house will touch it.
