The battle of the bulge

Getting older sucks. It just does. Here I am struggling to hold onto my youth, fighting the battle of the bulge and trying desperately to return my body back to it’s former health before I killed my metabolism and I feel like I’m failing. My body is fighting back through things like crumby knees and pounds that refuse to retreat. My knees, they are a constant reminder of how badly I have damaged my body. They ache and swell and make all sorts of fun noises that sometimes make me wonder what I was doing while I was unconscious (did I run marathons in my sleep, or maybe I was a professional kick boxer? My knees are that bad). So everyday I walk my 3 to 5 miles, spend 40 minutes on my stationary bike and do the other things I feel are beneficial to my health and well being, and in between these bouts of exercise (I think of them as my self proclaimed penance to cleanse me of my sins) I get to sit and ice my knees. I absolutely hate being cold and I hate ice. I don’t like being in cold water or cold environments. I really don’t like cold, so to have to put ice on my knees multiple times throughout the day is the worst kind of punishment ever. As if it isn’t bad enough that I have to go out and sweat my butt off everyday and eat below a certain calorie count (make good healthy choices of only whole, clean, low calorie foods), but I also have to spend 20minute intervals of some kind of ancient torture in order to continue sweating my butt off. Yay fun. Okay, my 20 minutes are up and I need to go peddle to no where. On a lighter note, I did finally find a use for the yoga ball I bought about 5 years ago.

