Yeah, I kicked her out

I got my desk back! After so many months of sharing my desk (and laptop and pens and space and everything) with my daughter, I finally figured out what she wanted in order for her to be happily tucked away in her room, giving me back my space so that I might be able to focus and get book 2 hammered out (okay, so I haven’t even really started on book 2, but now that I have my desk back, I am out of excuses for why I am not started on book 2). Today is a wonderful and amazing day and I couldn’t even begin to put into words how excited I am to get back to what I love. Oh, but watch. The second I sit down and try to get started, everyone in my head will fall silent. I know for a fact that all my characters will be laying around, too bored to do anything exciting or inspiring. They are non stop chatty and sometimes downright annoying when I can’t get anywhere near the machine that can bring their lives to life, to the point where sometimes I forget that no one else can hear them and start to talk back to them out loud. I know I look like a loony escaped from some place where they lock up all the loonies. Or maybe people just assume that my medication has run out and I need a refill. I don’t know. I just know that I can’t get a moment’s peace from all the voices in my head until I have access to this here laptop, then all I hear is crickets. I will sit here for hours doing nothing but staring off into oblivion. It kind of reminds me of the end of the movie “Halloween 3” (the one that has absolutely nothing to do with Michael Myers). There at the end it was all “Watch the magic pumpkin kids” and all it does is flash on the t.v. screen. Yeah, I sit and watch the flashing cursor and feel my brains scramble right inside my head. Fun times! Anyway, I got my desk back and I couldn’t be happier!

