This is actually Wednesday’s post (yes, I am seriously late)

Grocery shopping is one of those things that part of me looks forward to, and part of me wishes could just happen without my assistance. I am a foodie, so I get excited about the opportunity to find fresher, better, new and exciting foods I have not as of yet had the chance to buy, try, or prepare for my family. That being said, in order to feed this lot, I spend enough money each month to run a small country for an entire year (the citizens there would be able to live in the lap of luxury). I try my best to feed my kids only whole foods with very little coming out of a box, however there are a few things I can’t seem to say no to (like kraft mac n cheese, cause they absolutely love it). We do not eat a lot of fast food here, or a lot of processed sugar. We don’t eat much prepared food, so there aren’t a lot of snacks in my pantry. I buy mostly fresh foods (sometimes frozen veggies because I don’t have enough room in my refrigerator for how much we can consume in one meal, nevertheless an entire week). Coming up with ideas on what to make can be a daunting task, with so many different likes and dislikes running around here, so I started allowing the kids to make suggestions. Well, honestly I go around with a piece of paper to everyone in the house making them each come up with 5 suggestions and they are not allowed to write down anything that is already on the list (the last few people really struggle to come up with original ideas). Even we, the adults must participate, although I allow us to go first and those items are usually on the menu pretty quickly. Oh and I actually do write a menu each week. I spent years being asked daily by 7 to 8 people what is for dinner. When I found a chalkboard menu I could hang on the wall, I grabbed it. Now if I am asked what is for dinner, I tell them food. If they ask which kind of food, I say the good kind.
