It’s not a job if I don’t have a hat

Today is the day! I am so excited because today my (almost) 18 year old son has his very first job interview! I have been anticipating this day for quite a long time now. It’s seriously a long time coming. My son has a girlfriend, so I have been supporting that relationship every month for the past 6 months (longer actually with the lead up to asking her out) and dating is expensive. Having him earn his own money and learning the value of said money is going to be awesome! I really hope he gets this job! I can tell he is nervous about the interview, but I know he will do fantastic. He is actually very good with people, and when he talks he sounds very intelligent (he in fact is intelligent), which is good because he is hoping to get a job at a local pizza place answering the phone. The rest of the kids are excited at the prospect of his “employee discount”, which they think will mean we will be buying more pizza (probably not going to happen, cause I’m on a diet and I don’t let them have very much takeout, cause it isn’t good for them). Anyway, over the weekend we spent some time discussing my son’s hair in relation to said interview. You see, my oldest boy doesn’t like getting his hair cut, which up until this point I have (complaining every other second) put up with for the most part. I keep telling him that I don’t care if he likes his hair long, but he needs to have it shaped because his hair is so thick and he has so much of it that it actually looks like a hair helmet (not even just a figure of speech, his hair could protect him from head trauma). Plus, with the total lack of any sort of style, he looks like a person who is living in the woods (he also doesn’t like to shave, so that doesn’t help). Anyway, we actually got into a fight about how he needs to concern himself with his appearance for this interview, and if he gets the job, then the job itself. In the end I won the argument and he went and got his hair cut last night (although, he is currently mourning the loss of all that hair) and I think he looks unbelievably handsome now. Mom wins again!!! (I hardly ever lose, and when I do someone is going to pay for it)

He said “It’s not a job if I don’t get a hat” (He got the job!!!)
