What’s new pussycat?

I know I talk a lot about my puppy, but that’s because he is so cute and good and just my constant companion. Today I am not talking about him, though. Today I want to tell you a little bit about my kitty. Ming has been my bratty catty for quite a while. He has always been the devil in disguise (like all cats are) and plays at being nice, then turns around and sinks his teeth in your hand. I recently moved all his little kitty possessions into the laundry closet (it isn’t a room and it’s in the hallway, so I call it a closet). In order to close off this closet, I have a set of curtains across the opening, which gives Ming the illusion of having his own room. He seems quite pleased with his new digs, mostly because he can poke his head out between the curtains at random times to either talk to you as you walk past, or swat at you if the mood arises. Lately there have been more swats than chatter because he is mad at me. I bought him a different kitty food and he doesn’t like it. He has tried all manner of persuasion in his efforts to convince me to buy him a different kitty food, however I do not appreciate waste, therefore I have informed him many times now that I will not be purchasing his typical kitty food until the food he has is all gone. He is none too pleased with me and the situation seems to be getting desperate. On Saturday I found him scoping out the dog’s bowl to make sure that the dog doesn’t have better tasting food than he does and last night he kept trying to get the kids to share their dinner with him. I’m afraid he has taken to a hunger strike, but that’s too bad for him. This state does not give in to acts civil disobedience.

