Trying to get all my ducks in a row

Ever have one of those days when it seems you cannot accomplish a thing? Yup, that’s my day in a nutshell. Now normally this would make me crazy, however for some strange reason it isn’t bothering me in the least bit today. This is not to say that some of the obstacles I have come across haven’t triggered my eye to twitch while it was occurring, like when I forgot to start my fitbit up until I was 15 minutes into 40 minute session on my bloody stationary bike (that got under my skin a bit), but all in all, I have had a very peaceful day, even if I hardly accomplished anything. Another task I gave myself for the day was to sit down and reread my first book, take notes on any important places, seasons, yada yada yada. All things that may hold some relevance in my second book (notes are a good thing, at least thats what I tell myself). I think I was too peaceful today to concentrate, because each time I sat down to read my brain would drift off into oblivion. I swear it was floating around somewhere in outer space. I have no idea where it was, but I wasn’t able to focus for one moment. Honestly, I think I was plagued by the phrase “ducks in a row”. You see, this morning while I was walking I ran into a slight traffic jam. There were a bunch of ducks hanging out on the sidewalk and as I approached they started to stream across the road heading back to the pond where they live, some of which fell right in line. It made me think of that phrase and how I really need to get my ducks in a row where it comes to my book. Of course, I never did manage to accomplish that, but tomorrow is another day.

