I swear I am not an idiot

Funny thing has been happening around here. I guess I am the butt of a massive computer geek joke that I was completely unaware of. I have been using the comic sans font for quite a while now, just because I thought it looked pretty. I enjoy seeing my writing in what could be handwritten words, so I like those fonts that mimic something closer to a pen in hand, rather than a typed letter. It makes it all feel more personal to me. Anyway, I try to encourage my sons to read my blog posts, since they sometimes play a roll in the occurrences within. Well, yesterday I was able to get my middle son to actually look at the web page for more than a glance and the first thing that happens is he starts laughing. I am sitting here all proud of my humor prowess, getting a bit of a big head because I do not really understand teenage boy humor, yet here I was making him laugh. As it turns out, comic sans is the most laughable font of them all (though, I still have no idea why) and no one takes it serious. Seriously, it would have been nice to have known that before I started using it. Oh well, on to different fonts from now on. I’m sure there will be something wrong with this one also, but I will probably be left in the dark about it … I usually am.


One thought on “I swear I am not an idiot

  1. Deetra

    Hi April. Being of the ” much older” group I have no idea what a comic sans is but I can say that I have attempted to read your blog recently and this one is sooo much easier. Just my 2 cents. Deetra

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