Show me those pearly whites!

Okay, I’m going to have to complain about something this morning. The mosquitoes here in Florida seem to be immune to whatever the county is spraying in their efforts to control them. I swear not 8 hours ago I could hear the mosquito truck driving through the neighborhood, spewing it’s toxic fumes into the air, and yet I was bitten multiple times this morning while while walking kids to the bus stop and Bison around the block (I think he is depressed. He used to go with me each day to drop off/pick up from school. Now everyone is riding a bus, so there are no longer car rides for my puppy. Instead we walk the kids to the bus stop, which doesn’t seem to make up for anything.). What is the point of spraying all this nasty stuff into the air if it isn’t going to kill the mosquitoes? Although, I guess I am partly responsible for this issue. I have an ugly birdbath in my back yard that seems to always be filled. I am sure it’s a hotbed for mosquito babies. Gross. Enough about my stupid mosquito bites from first thing this morning. I have something else to complain about (I seem to complain about a great many things). So, I walk about 3.5 miles everyday and this morning while I was out pounding the pavement, lost in the tunes in my earbuds, I feel a sudden draft of air on my right. I turn to see this older gentleman go flying past me. I was startled to the point of heart attack, of course, which was pretty funny because I’m certain I jumped and stumbled a little. The man didn’t notice and I watched in awe as he spirited away leaving me in a trail of dust. The man had to be 70 something years old, so needless to say I am completely impressed. After I sweat away anther half a mile it dawns on me that here I am, at 30 something (won’t be able to claim that age bracket for much longer), feeling like death itself is going to snatch me away everyday when I’m out huffing and puffing these 3.5 miles and there is a man that lives right in my neighborhood that can run circles around me without a second thought and he is at least 30 plus years my senior. I need to stop whining and step up my game. I want to be him some day, or at least some version of him. Someone with the energy at 70 something to be out doing whatever I want to do. Much respect to you running man! You are my inspiration for the day! Okay, gotta relinquish control of the laptop again. My daughter has an online class to attend. I’ll post this when I get back from the orthodontist appointment my son has, maybe with teeth pictures or something.
