15 & 1/4 hours and counting

So this is it! The last free day of summer for my kiddos. You would think the world was coming to an end for them. They seriously crack me up. Last night my middle son told me that he absolutely had to go spend the night with his best friend across the street so they could stay up all night playing video games because it would be a long time before they could do that again. Funny how five days seems like an eternity to a child when they are staring down the gun of the first day of school. He rolled in this morning looking not too bleary eyed for someone who supposedly was up all night like a junkie. Well, it turns out that he fell asleep at a slightly reasonable 11:00pm (he’s almost 15 and about to start his freshman year of high school, so 11:00 on a weekend seems pretty reasonable to me). Hell, I was awake later than that, playing my favorite video game (fallout 4). So much for getting one last fix before he has to work on being a responsible student. Meanwhile, my youngest daughter is floating around the house for the last three days singing about how excited she is to be starting school tomorrow. She is 11 and starting her very first year of middle school. The rest are just wandering around looking less than enthusiastic. Speaking of a total lack of enthusiasm, I managed to forget all about back to school shoes until first thing this morning, so I ended up having to rush out to take care of that issue today. I guess I did a great job, though. My above mentioned son is totally loving the Nikes I found for him today. I was joking when I pointed them out in the store for him, but he is in some ways eccentric and has no fear. I guess that means that today is a win!

(Bison doesn’t seem too impressed with these shoes)

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