You make me feel like dancing

Ugh, I am feeling uninspired. It seems like my creativity and imagination both decided they aren’t talking to me today. Usually, I feel the lure of a blank word processor page, like it’s an open invitation to paint something beautiful with words. Today I look at it and all I see is the flashing cursor, the countless shades of gray that form the page and the borders, the colorful symbols representing all the different functions that those buttons give me access to. Today I see the world as black and white, but not the black and white of an amazing photo that can bring forth such a depth of feeling that it cannot be expressed in words, just black and white. This is not to say that I am feeling unhappy or depressed, just uninspired. Maybe I need some music? I can become lost in songs and I am a lyrical junkie. In fact, the lyrics of the Leonard Cohen song “Hallelujah” come to mind right now when talking about pretty words. I just heard the Jeff Buckley rendition this morning while I was peddling away on my stationary bike and fell in love with the lyrics all over again. I’m always impressed with pretty words, and those who can create such sentences that have the ability to move me. They speak to some elemental part of me that resides deep within my soul. Sometimes I think words might be my true religion. They have the power to move entire demographics of people. They can build us up or tear us apart. They bring the most joy and the deepest sorrow. Okay, enough about my fetish. I’m off to listen to some awesome tunes and look for my muse while I’m at it. I’m sure she is around here somewhere. 🙂
