Rain drops keep falling on my head

I believe it’s now monsoon season here in sunny FLA. It started raining long before dawn this morning and I’m not sure if it will ever stop again. Honestly, I love the rain, but not when it interferes in my plans for the day. I have not gotten to my walk yet today because I…

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Who’s up for a drink

Healthy foods. For the most part I am happy with the healthy alternatives I have come up with in order to keep myself on track where it comes to my diet. I have cut out the mass majority of processed foods from my life (which sometimes makes me sad), not to mention calories and fats…

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The battle of the bulge

Getting older sucks. It just does. Here I am struggling to hold onto my youth, fighting the battle of the bulge and trying desperately to return my body back to it’s former health before I killed my metabolism and I feel like I’m failing. My body is fighting back through things like crumby knees and…

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Yeah, I kicked her out

I got my desk back! After so many months of sharing my desk (and laptop and pens and space and everything) with my daughter, I finally figured out what she wanted in order for her to be happily tucked away in her room, giving me back my space so that I might be able to…

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Ridiculously busy weekend and such

So, I went out this week and picked up a new video game that I have been waiting to be released, but I have not had an opportunity to play it yet. This week has been chocked full of unexpected twists and turns that have been keeping me on my toes and out of the…

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Help Wanted (today’s post)

Job hunting sucks. I have done enough of it throughout my life to know that it is some of the most unfun you can have, but I have never experienced it through the eyes of my children until now. My son got his job without much effort at all without ever having set foot in…

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It’s not a job if I don’t have a hat

Today is the day! I am so excited because today my (almost) 18 year old son has his very first job interview! I have been anticipating this day for quite a long time now. It’s seriously a long time coming. My son has a girlfriend, so I have been supporting that relationship every month for…

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What’s new pussycat?

I know I talk a lot about my puppy, but that’s because he is so cute and good and just my constant companion. Today I am not talking about him, though. Today I want to tell you a little bit about my kitty. Ming has been my bratty catty for quite a while. He has…

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Sundays make my mouth water

Living with teenagers presents some daily challenges that continually push adults toward madness. Seeing as how the teenagers outnumber the mature adults in our house 3 ½ : 1, we are by far pressed harder than most households. We have 7 kids in this house, ages ranging between 11 and 18 (almost). Feeding this troop…

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