It’s all fun and games until…

These last few days have been a blur, but I’m gonna give you what I can remember of it. Thursday I took a crew of high school kids to a preserve, for cross country practice, where I proceeded to walk an extra 3 miles (on top of the 5 I had walked in the morning)…

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That’s a dirty word in this house

So, Paige and I decide that today would be a great day to do some serious cleaning this morning (I’m still finding alternatives to working on my second book). My living room has been pulled apart, all shoes discarded under the furniture have been located, the couch and chair have been thoroughly vacuumed out, all…

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Dressing up is so much fun

Oh the joys of high school home coming week. Today is “dress a mess” day, so my son left the house looking like a total lunatic. He looks so ridiculous, and I had the hardest time letting him leave the house looking like that. I’m pretty excited for him and I’m impressed with how much…

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Zero progress

I have been the epitome of procrastination. I have not made any progress on my second book at all. I have the desire to write it, but just lack the focus and inspiration. It sucks. So, rather than watch the blinking cursor all day, getting more and more frustrated, I have been finding other stuff…

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Hurricanes and Clowns and Early Race Days (What a weekend)

Ugh that stupid hurricane. It made things interesting around here, even though it came no where near here. We didn’t have any damage, but I do need to go out and collect the small tree branches that now litter my yard. The kids missed another day of school. I cannot tell you how glad I…

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Have dog, will travel

I had to go pick up Easton in the Big O yesterday, after his long weekend getaway. I’m quickly beginning to hate that drive with all the traffic on I-4 and the many hours confined to the truck. Paige and Leo both accompanied me these last two trips, but yesterday I figured I would bring…

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Nothing better than ice cream and zombies

I have to tell you all, I have thoroughly enjoyed my Sunday so far. I accomplished tons and still managed to find time to relax. When I got up this morning I thought for sure that this would be a typical Sunday, where I make these lofty goals that I neglect to accomplish, then watch…

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I want to put on my my my my my boogie shoes

So, I recently bought myself some new sneaks, since mine were wearing out badly. I decided to go with some Nike Flynits, because I was told by a friend that she can wash hers and they always come out perfect, which is good because I hate stinky sneakers, but I also hate washing them because…

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Confessions of a shopaholic

Made the trip without killing anyone or going to jail! I am so proud of that accomplishment. To drive all the way to Orlando and back without even one incident is a miracle, especially since there were plenty of bad drivers out there today working extremely hard at driving slowly in front of me. What…

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